Saturday, February 20, 2016

Why Your Best People Leave and Why That Can Be Okay

The best boss I had ever had was one that truly empowered me. That being said, no matter what she asked of me, I would not only do, but I would try to do well.  She was great at helping me not only become a leader, but also a loyal follower.  It is not about being one or another, but going back and forth between the roles. This is for any position, whether you are a superintendent or a student.  The best people in their jobs know when to get in front, and when to push from behind.

Yet, I only stayed in that school for one year.  Why would I leave a position with an amazing boss after only one year?  Because she suggested and recommended me for a leadership position.

The old adage of, “leaders develop leaders” was so true in her case.  So many people that worked on that same staff have gone on to other positions of leadership.  They developed these skills because of her leadership and left also, because of her leadership.

Yet, the school was always great.  How can great people continuously and quickly leave a position while the organization continues to grow?

If you truly think about it, would you want someone who is awesome for two years, or someone who is average for ten?  People gravitated towards her leadership because she knew (and knows) how to get the best out of people.  This, in turn, develops leaders that do the same thing.  Some people are still in that school, not because they aren’t capable of going somewhere else, but because they choose to stay.  The nice thing is that there are options for each individual.

There are great people who leave bad bosses every day, but there are great people who leave great bosses as well. Do we get the best out of people who if they stay, will be great, but if they leave, you will also see them soar?


from Connected Principals

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