Sunday, March 3, 2019

Personalized Learning Opportunities For Students is a Team Effort

James Cash Penney Quote: “Growth is never by mere chance; it is the result of forces working together.”

Something I have been struggling with and thinking about…

You have two students in your class.

Student A puts on earbuds and has some music and can have some extreme focus on the learning at hand.

Student B wears earbuds and can’t concentrate at all.

So, if Student A benefits from listening to music in certain circumstances, then we let them continue.

If Student B doesn’t benefit, we have to move in another direction.

The question with this situation I am often asked by teachers as they often receive it from their students; “is this fair?”

When talking to teachers, my stance isn’t that every student has the exact same experience in school.  Every student should have the same opportunities and the chance to be successful. This doesn’t mean everything looks the same. What works for one might not work for another. This is not just with “earbuds” but is present in many aspects of school. We can’t have personalized learning with standardized solutions.

Is this possible in every situation? No.

Is this hard work? Absolutely.

Is this only on teachers? Not if you want it to become a “norm.”

It will take more than telling teachers it is good practice and then not providing supports.

If we want to give opportunities for our students to become successful, this will be a team effort.


What I would like to learn from you…

If you are an administrator or in a coaching position, what do you to make the above a reality?

If you are a teacher, what supports would you need to make this a reality

from Connected Principals

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