Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Pathway or Obstacle?

I always find it fascinating when I travel to different states and provinces, and educators ask me questions on why they can’t do certain things in their schools, believing it is the “government” that is not allowing them to do it.

This week in both the province of BC and the state of Ohio, teachers asked me, “How do you get around unblocking YouTube when the government will not allow it?”  Instead of answering them with my thoughts, I simply asked the room, “Does anyone have YouTube open in their schools?” Several hands went up.

How come some schools can, while others can’t?

The difference is not the “technology”; it’s the leadership.

One group finds a way while the other group finds an excuse.  This is why “mindset” is so crucial. We fixate on the problem, or we create the solution.

Are you the pathway or the obstacle?


Source: George Couros

from Connected Principals http://ift.tt/2F0tFT4

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