Thursday, January 19, 2017

Is leadership an innovative endeavour?

As an answer to the title of the post simply, “Is leadership an innovative endeavour?”, it is simply…”yes”.

To answer the question honestly, is that it should be, but it is not always true.

Jamie Notter shared this quote in a video, and it has always stuck with me:

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Some things in leadership that are true 100 years ago, would still be true today, and great leaders have always embodied these traits. Having a vision, connecting with people, modelling what they seek. My assumption are these traits are not something that are new only to this generation or the one prior or after, but have been passed down as something that great leaders do.

But when you see the challenges that are facing schools and organizations, if “leaders” are not also “innovators”, there is a danger of irrelevance.  As budgets are cut in many places, how leaders rethink how they spend money, rethink timetables and learning spaces, allocate resources, is part of the  “new and better” thinking that is needed.  As teaching becomes more and more complex, how leaders serve and support educators will need to continuously shift as well.  When we want the learning in our classrooms to be more conducive to the opportunities that exist in our world today, leaders will have to ensure that professional learning opportunities are changing to give people different opportunities to learn in meaningful ways.  These are examples of how leadership needs to think differently about what, how, and why they do, what they do.

If we believe that innovation in education is not only reserved for students and classroom teachers, but the administrators that serve them. If “leaders” continue to do the same things that they have always done, it will only hold back the possibilities of “what could be”, in education.

from Connected Principals

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