Wednesday, August 16, 2017

I am not that good with technology and you probably aren’t either.

Years ago, I was having a conversation with someone who I knew as a brilliant mind in using technology.  They were heavily recruited by both Microsoft and Google coming out of university, and they were able to create things using technology that I couldn’t dream of at the time.

I asked them a question after marveling about something they just had explained to me that they were creating.

“Out of 10, how good do you believe you are with technology?”


My jaw dropped.  I followed up by asking, “How in the world could someone with your ability with technology only be a 6 out of 10 in using technology?”

They followed up with the following response.  “There is so much out there that I have no idea exists and have never used, that I couldn’t tell you I was good with it without ever using it.  If anything, 6 is a high number, and I would probably rank myself lower.  I am really good at the stuff that I use now, but the amount of stuff out there, I have so much that I could still learn.”

My mind was blown.  The answer was so brilliant that I put them back at the 10 out of 10 ranking.

This is why to this day, I struggle with someone calling me a “techie” because I know how to blog and use Twitter. Would this be the equivalent of using a telephone at some point in time?  There is so much more I want to learn with technology at some point, but also with other things in my field. I have explored leadership, teaching, assessment, technology, innovation, curriculum, building relationships, amongst other things, in this blog over the years. I am still growing and have a long way to go.  I never want to be considered “tech savvy”, but I continuously strive to be “learning savvy”.

The most remarkable and intelligent people that I have met often talk about how much they don’t know and still want to learn. If you already think you have all the answers, you are probably already behind.

This quote, often attributed to Einstein, sums it up beautifully:

Keep learning.  We all crave growth.

Source: George Couros

from Connected Principals

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