Sunday, April 23, 2017

Developing Entrepreneurs

So this past Friday afternoon I felt honored to be one of the 5 judges in our own Middle School version of Shark Tank. This episode showcased many of our 7th grade students presenting their sustainable entrepreneurial projects to their classmates, as the culminating assessment for their most recent social studies/economics unit…and it was truly inspiring for all of us.


The unit was the brainchild of three of the most outstanding educators that I have ever had the privilege of working with (Justin Muenker, Nick Sprague, and Brian Voeller), who together looked to introduce our kids to the power and opportunity of entrepreneurship. They were also simultaneously searching for ways to help Ecuadorian families on the coast, who have continued to struggle over a year after the devastating earthquake which ravaged many of their communities.


The unit was a tremendous success, and the best part about it for me was seeing the students so engaged and passionate about finding ways impact positive social change for people in need. They were leading their own learning in very powerful ways, and collaborating not just with their Middle School teammates, but with their High School mentors and with local businesses and organizations as well. It was real world learning at it’s finest, and it was an excellent example of how young people can be empowered to change our world for the better when given the opportunity.


Entrepreneurship teaches our kids to think critically and ambitiously, and it builds the collaborative and communicative skills that they will need as they graduate from High School “Innovation Ready”. Pulitzer Prize winning author, Thomas Friedman, believes that entrepreneurship education benefits our young students because it teachers kids to think outside the box, and it nurtures unconventional talents and skills…and I totally agree. This unit has us all thinking about ways that we can continue to transform our traditional approach to curriculum writing, and to leverage our students’ creativity, ingenuity, and imagination. We want to put the learning in their hands, and be educational facilitators as they innovatively find ways to positively change our world.


I really enjoyed my role as judge at this event honestly, and as I looked out into the audience, and tweeted out the engaged looks on their faces, I was struck by how proud I am of our teachers…education is changing rapidly and so are we, and it’s a beautiful thing to be a part of. Have a wonderful week ahead, and remember to be great for our students and good to each other.


Quote of the Week…

The best way to predict the future is to create it! – Peter Drucker


Great TED Talks – Entrepreneurship


Interesting Articles –


Inspiring things –

from Connected Principals

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