Saturday, December 31, 2016

My One Word? Better Yet…My Mantra


With two days left in 2016, I was feeling an immense pressure to come up with my New Year’s Resolution for 2017. I had contemplated not committing to a resolution but that idea seemed evasive and quite frankly, like a cop out. After all, goal setting is healthy, not just for the mind, but for the spirit and soul as well. The last two years I participated in the #oneword challenge and felt good about working on trying to be a better me. Thus, I began the process of selecting my one word. I pondered such words as Investment, Purposeful, Kindness, Genuine, Compassion, Reflection and Gratitude. Yet, nothing quite seemed to inspire me quite like I had hoped. I am not sure why. The ideas that funneled through my head all appeared as worthy challenges and more importantly, described a sincere attempt to improve who I am as a person. But yet, something was still missing.  So, I began to think about it in different way.

What could I stop doing that I enjoyed doing most when I still had something left to give?

My mind quickly began to fill up with words such as eating, exercising, competing, breathing, thinking, dreaming, creating and writing. Writing? I cannot believe that I just said that. But interesting enough it came to mind because it is something that I have always struggled at which probably explains why I keep holding myself accountable for doing it even though I often agonize over it (Read about it here).  However, why would I select something as a resolution that I enjoyed doing. It seemed confusing to use a word like “dreaming” as my one word.  Maybe I needed a phrase or a sentence to help me determine my word or words? So after much contemplation and struggling to come up with my New Year’s Resolution for 2017, I finally decided to go in a different direction than I have in the past to keep me motivated and invested.

Rather than select my one word, I’ve decided to focus on MY MANTRA for 2017.

I will…

Stop sleeping when I am a little tired

Stop eating when I am a little hungry

Stop talking when I still have something to say


Thanks for hanging in there with me.

Happy New Years!









from Connected Principals

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