Tuesday, October 4, 2016

What’s a video worth?

These lyrics from a song by Macklemore and Lewis called “Growing Up“,  brought me to tears:

Don’t wanna be a dad that’s living in FaceTime
But I’ve got a world to sing to and you at the same time

I am truly blessed to do what I do. Travelling all over the place, learning with educators, and trying to them inspire to innovate within their teaching and learning, is something that I could not have dreamed of doing.  It is an amazing job.

One of the tough things about my job is missing time with my family.  With our daughter just passing the six week mark, every time I come home, she looks different, a little bit older.


As I am riding in an Uber, my wife sent me this picture:


If you read the sentence before the image, think about if I could have written that fifteen years ago? Uber? Sharing images over a text message?  Those things didn’t exist before, and not only have they made my life easier, they have made it better.


As soon as Kallea was born, I received a congratulations and message from Tony Vincent.  Essentially he said, get video and lots of it.  We took this to heart, and have been capturing what may seemingly be insignificant moments now, that will be extremely significant later.  Our mindset would have been on simply capturing pictures, but as I have said before, if a picture is worth a thousand words, what do you think a video is worth?

These moments mean the world to me…

Never grow up.

A video posted by George Couros (@gcouros) on Sep 27, 2016 at 9:22pm PDT

I cherish every moment that I can capture. These are in no sense a substitute for being with my daughter all of the time, but they are taking advantage of what the world has to offer.  I am trying to be better at being home when I am at home.  I can get better.

For several years I have shown this video:

The basic premise is that a dad started an email for his daughter that he would eventually share with her. I am now that dad, and I have captured moments and shared thoughts that will never be posted here. They are simply for my daughter and I.

There are so many opportunities in our world to do things that we couldn’t do before. We can either ignore them, or take advantage. I plan on continuing to do the latter.

Source: George Couros

from Connected Principals http://ift.tt/2dPK2ZF

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